May 4, 2013


To make the Deviled Eggs recipe, as shown in the VIDEO above, good for 2 to 4 people you will need 10 to 12 pieces of eggs, which will yield around 20 to 24 deviled eggs in this recipe (as shown in video above). The video shows you all the ingredients you will need, and the step by step process on how to make a deviled egg from start to finish.

One of my favorite all-time snack is Deviled Eggs. I like how a not-so-exciting boiled eggs have more flavorings and delightful taste in them. It is true, it is so much easier to boil eggs and grab the salt and pepper and start eating them, so why go with the hassle of adding extra work and preparation to make Deviled Eggs? Because once you tasted a deviled egg, it is hard to go back to just a simple hard boiled eggs. I have the same dilemma, every time I am eating a boiled egg, I always wish it is more flavorful, I wished I am eating a deviled egg instead... or perhaps it's just my taste preference in which I like the creamier taste of the deviled egg, and the more flavorful taste it has.. but then I notice that when I make deviled eggs, they got eaten by my family faster than a hard boiled egg does! That scenario does speak for itself that there is something about deviled egg that is more exciting to the palate.. its not just me :-)

If you want to prepare Deviled Eggs for a party or gathering, you can step it up further with cute and fun creatives using black olives, carrots, or other vegetables that you can cut and shape to look like faces with eyes, noses, and mouth in each of the deviled egg. When I made this video tutorial, I was cooking for our regular daily snack so I did not feel the need to decorate the deviled eggs with faces. But you can decorate them however you want. Instead of just using the spoon to fill each of the half white egg with the egg yolk mixture, you can use a cake icing dispenser to achieve a decorative pattern on the egg yolk mixture, you can shape it like flowers, etc.. There are endless possibilities on how you can decorate the deviled eggs for the purpose of fun presentation that will make your guests and visitors in awe during parties and gatherings. Hope you enjoy the video tutorial, please feel free to follow this blog, and also in my Google+ page, there are more exciting stuff to come.

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