May 30, 2013

The VIDEO above show you the step by step process on how to cook a delicious Pork Stew with carrots, potatoes, and green beans vegetables. I like to use pork tenderloin for this recipe because of the quality of meat it has, tender and almost feel like it would melt in your mouth together with the flavorful veggies when eaten.

Depends on the servings that you want to make, usually I use one (1) pound of pork meat for this recipe. And almost same amount of diced carrots, and also equal amount of potatoes. If possible cut the pork, carrots and potatoes the same diced sizes around 3/4 inches to 1 inches square. Please note that in the video above I used two (2) pounds of pork, but I added almost equal amount of potato and carrot, to make it proportionate.

As far as the green beans, its optional, you can have it in the recipe or not, either way, the dish would taste just as good. I do like adding green beans for added nutrients as well as added color, and gives more twist to the taste of the dish as a whole.  In the video above, I am using canned green beans, but I would suggest using uncooked fresh green beans instead. Please keep in mind that when you are using an uncooked green beans instead, they usually takes longer to cook compare to the carrots and potatoes, so I would cook it first, and let the soup boil and cook the beans halfway before I would add the carrots, and then the potatoes. In the video, since I used a canned green beans, which is already soft and cooked, I added or cooked it last, after the carrots and the potatoes.

This recipe is best serve hot with warm steamed white rice. I personally love this dish, nothing too fancy yet healthy and delicious. Hope you learn something new today, enjoy the rest of your day. I have more recipes featured in this blog, feel free to check them out too. Jazevox

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